Life Experiences through the eyes of Tiki, Colossus & Magneto.. three Pups full of Fun & Adventures

Monday, March 7, 2011

What goes awound, comes awound, when it comes to ebewwassing- dings at weast.

Wast Dursday (March 3rd) Momma tooked me to da Dogtor. Momma said it was time for da Big Snip. I did not know what dat was... I know now dough!!!

Anyway, Momma and I gets to da Dogtor and she wawks me awound so's I can go potty. Den we go in. I's smewwing aw dese smews and I do NOT wike em one bit. So to show Momma I no wike it, I poop wight by da door. Momma was so ebewwessed. Hers face got wewwy wewwy red and she kept saying"I'm so sorry! He's house trained, he really is!" She eben offewed to cwean it up, but the wadies at the Dogtor said dat it habbens a wot, and dey cweaned it up wewwy fast. Den dey gave me wots of pets and saying how handsomes da baby boy cowossus is. :D My taiw started waggins and den Momma got down on da foor wid me and giving me wots of kissies and whispewing dat she wuvs her baby boy.

Den, Momma ebewwassed me, wike I ebewwassed her... Not by popping on da foor.. Momma wouwdn't do somefing wike dat! No, she ebewwassed me by starting to cwy! Cwied wike a baby when da nuwse in scwubs took me into da back.

Ebewyding tuwned out just fine. :D I's aw better now. Wouwdn't even know I had da Big Snip.. I's jumping aw ovea da pwace! BOL!

**Big Boy Now!**

~ Cowossus

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