Life Experiences through the eyes of Tiki, Colossus & Magneto.. three Pups full of Fun & Adventures

Friday, September 23, 2011

K-9 Kamp! Introductions!

There is this GREAT thing called K-9 Kamp! It's our first day doing it, but it looks really really fun. It's a way for Momma to get more active, while interacting EVEN MORE with us pups!! So everyone involved gets to get into shape and have fun! 

We skipped weeks 1 and 2 and started on week 3 (tug of war!) for today,  but Momma plans to start at the beginning tomorrow, and work our way through the weekly challenges. :D 

More To Come! 



  1. So happy you are joining us. The challenges can be as easy or as challenging as fits your needs. I, too, need the motivation of my dog to keep me moving.

  2. PAWESOME! We are so glad to have you Kamping with Us! Can't wait to hear more about how you do!
